PM Green Energy
Redefining Off-Grid Housing
(228) 335-3305
Solar Kits
Complete off-grid power solutions for existing structures. Our solar kits come with a prewired and tested control center, a solar array sized for your needs, advanced technology battery storage, and a pure sine wave inverter.
Most renewable energy systems qualify for significant tax credits or other incentives, please check with a professional tax advisor for details.
* Prices do not include taxes, shipping or installation. Individual components may vary per system and may affect pricing. Railing, hardware, and cabling are estimated for standard installations within 100 feet of the main electrical breaker panel for the facility. Brands may be substituted based on availability, BAA compliance, tariffs, or any other reason.
Performance estimates are based on average daily hours of direct sunlight for specific geographic areas. Results are not guaranteed and may vary significantly based on weather conditions, system damage, debris, dust or dirt, or any other obstruction of the solar array.
It is important to follow all installation instructions and operating manuals to minimize risks of property damage and electric shock. All permits are the responsibility of the homeowner or qualified installer. Only licensed electricians should connect to your service panel or meter.